Early registration fee:                                             € 150,00
Late registrations received after July 1st:               € 200,00
The registration fee includes the book of Abstracts, lunch and coffee breaks, the workshop banquet, the hotel reservation assistance; it does not include travel and accommodation expenses.
Another person may be nominated as substitute at any time. However, in case of cancellation, written notification must be sent to the Organizing Committee seven calendar days before the starting of the Conference.
REFUND: A € 50,00 administrative fee will be deducted for cancellations.
Payment of Fee
Money transfer to:
Bank name:            Banca di Roma
Bank Address:        Agency No.153, Tesoreria Univ., P. le Aldo Moro 5, Rome 00185 — Italy
IBAN:                      IT17F03002 03371 000000008273
SWIFT:                   BROMITR1153
Account No.:           8273
Account Name:       Ente 1801, DMA
Message:                Workshop on Model Reduction in Reacting Flow
Registration, Payment and Cancellation
Registration Form
Please fill-in and send the Registration Form (one for each participant) by e-mail to:
Send, also in the same e-mail, a copy of the bank receipt of your payment, or send it separately by regular mail to:
Workshop on Model Reduction in Reacting Flow
Dept. "Meccanica e Aeronautica"
Via Eudossiana, 18
00184 Rome, Italy
fax: +39 06 483729